
Perfect: being entirely without fault or defect


So often in our lives, we chase "perfect." The perfect outfit, perfect hair, perfect relationship, perfect car… We put a great deal of energy into being “perfect.” 


To be entirely without fault is impossible though. We were not built that way. We were not designed to live this life without failure or defect. Yes, you were created perfect in every way, but a part of what makes you perfect are your imperfections. A part of what makes you perfect is the trial and error side of life. The times when you start as a beginner, nowhere near perfect. The times when you realize you must evolve to keep up with the world around you, and in that transition, you are not perfect. The times when life gets messy and you don’t know quite what to do, you are not perfect. 


But you are learning, growing, and evolving. THAT is perfect. 


So much of our time is spent on trying to become...

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Keeping up with the Jones's

Purely You Healing
Keeping up with the Jones's

Theodore Roosevelt said, “comparison is the thief of all joy.” Isn’t that the truth. It’s been a problem in our society forever. Even when life was a little more slow-paced before the internet and social media. Now, we not only “have to keep up with the Jones’s” in our community, but with the “Jones’s” in your Mom’s, your best friend’s, your college roommate’s, and that Influencer on Instagram too. We have so much access to other people’s lives now, but often we forget that what we see is only just a portion of their life. I was listening to a podcast the other day and the discussion was about this exact thing. One question stuck out to me though. “Do you want to do what it takes to have her life?” If you look at the 40-year-old mom who has a six-pack and you envy her, you have to also ask yourself if you are willing to put in the work to make that happen. Are you willing to give up one...

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